Got Milk?

Nah, I'm just kidding.
Heads up this might be a little NSFW.
I'm clearly cut from the same cloth as my fellow underground cartoonists from the 60s/70s/80s/90s.
- vaughn bode
- robert crumb
- kim deitch
- rick griffin
- bill griffith
- rory hayes
- bobby london
- jay lynch
- spain rodriguez
- gilbert shelton
- robert williams
- skip williamson
- s. clay wilson
- gary panter
- matt groening
- james kochalka
- johnny ryan
- mike diana
Those guys are my heroes.
Thanks for paving the way, and making it ok to be a weirdo.
-Jeaux Janovsky
Labels: bunny, cartoonists, got milk, lactating, milk, nipples, nsfw, underground, weird
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