Thursday, August 24, 2006

Look Ma! I Made DRAWN!!!

This picture makes me giggle. It makes me giggle, even more, now that I've spruced it up with the powers of Photoshoppe.

I'm coming out with a sketchbook series soon, and I'm thinking this might make a pretty funny cover. I dunno we'll see.
I'd like to thank Jared Chapman over at Driz-Awn for Plugging All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs and to all the NEW folks I see tuning into the Blog from that little shout out! Thank you all for the support, emails, postings, comments, etc. It truly is exciting!
I hope you new folk to my blogs decide to stick around!
Those of you who haven't had a chance to peep the Drawn Plug, can check it out here:
Also make sure to check out the New Blog site for The Double Date Collective:
Double-Date Collective
Please continue to Tune into All My Heroes, not to mention all the other various tom-bloggery I done tend to!
Funky Fresh,

Compooter Animation by Avi Tuchman based on art by JEAUX Janovsky!